Ten tankers for Yamal LNG

Novatek plans to order ten LNG tankers for its great Arctic project.

The tankers, which will have a capacity ranging from 183.000 to 208.000 cubic meters will be used for the transportation of LNG from the projected Yamal LNG plant to buyers in the world market.

The information about the vessels have been submitted to the Russian Shipping Register, Portnews.ru reports. The ships are currently in a conseptual projection phase and will be built after the organization of a tender planned held in the course of 2012. The tankers will be able to operate all-year-around in harsh ice conditions.

Read also: Novatek builds giant Arctic LNG tanker

As BarentsObserver previously reported, Novatek intends to export most of the LNG from the plant to western markets. However, the company has earlier indicated that it also will use the Northern Sea Route for eastwards export to Asian markets.

Read also: Yamal LNG for western markets

The Yamal LNG project is based on the resources of the nearby South Tambey field. It will be developed and operated by the company Yamal LNG, a joint venture of Novatek and project partner Total. Project production start-up at the plant is planned in 2016.

As previously reported, another huge Arctic LNG project, the Shtokman project in the Barents Sea, might need a total of 20 LNG tankers.

Read also:

Novatek goes international with Yamal LNG

30 Arctic LNG tankers by year 2020

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