The children in kindergarten No 4 "voted" for Putin
With patriotic fervour, schools and kindergartens across Russia put the recent so-called presidential election on their agenda. In a kindergarten in Polyarnye Zori, Kola Peninsula, the children even had their own vote.
The propaganda apparatus established in connection with the Russian presidential election aimed not only at the general electorate.
Also children and youth were targets.
In kindergarten No 4 in Polyarnye Zori, the teachers even organised their own “election.” The kids were given “passports,” filled out ballots and cast their “votes” in a ballot box.

The children were eager to participate, a representative of the kindergarten says in a comment on social media VK.
“On the 15th of March the oldest group had a very serious event. The kids got passports, and were eager to participate in the presidential election of the Russian Federation. Although the passports were not real the children perceived it as an important event and adhered to it in a very responsible way.”

According to the kindergarten, it is all part of the ‘patriotic education’ of the children.
Not surprisingly, the “vote” was won with solid margin by Putin.
Schools and kindergartens in Russia are increasingly subject to politicisation and propaganda.
In January this year, a kindergarten in Monchegorsk, Murmansk region, organised a military-patriotic event where military men showed the children how to assemble and disassemble a machine-gun. They also showed the kids how to put on gas masks.

In connection with the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland on 23rd of February, many teaching institutions invited soldiers with fighting experience from the war in Ukraine. In kindergarten No 7 in Nikel, the border town to Norway and Finland, an officer paid a visit and the kids were shown how to march and make salute.

“The event ended with a cup of tea and the children asked the hero interesting questions about life on the front and the histories about victory!” the kindergarten informs.
On the 18th of March, the same kindergarten celebrated the ten year anniversary of the so-called “reunification” of Crimea. The kids were told about the history of the annexed peninsula, and they made drawings of flags, coats of arms and listened to the Russian national anthem, the kindergarten informs on its VK page.